mandate report
2019 -2021
My name is Iskra Mihailova and I am an MEP from the Renew Europe group. I am a member of the Presidency of the Renew Europe Group , which consists of a chair and vice-chairs of the group. I am also a member of the Bureau of the Renew Europe Group, which includes the Chair and Vice-Chairs of the group, the heads of all Renew Europe national delegations, the members of Renew Europe of the EP Bureau and the chairs of Renew Europe committees.
Vice-Chair in charge of the Sustainability and Structural Policies Working Group
The key word that describes the activities of an MEP is synergy, because there is a connection between the different elements that build the whole.
I am of the opinion that every aspect that is on the agenda of the European Parliament and of the European Union as a whole - security, education, development of technology and innovation, green and digital transformation, improving the EU's resilience to crises, whether economically or health, the fight against misinformation, free media, the fight against corruption, the rule of law, fair elections, strengthening the role of civil society and everything achieved as an emanation of European democracy has given me knowledge and shown me the various tools by which we can contribute to the development of workable and meaningful policies for positive change and sustainable growth.
Key documents of the Renew Europe Group supported by me in the period January 2019 - December 2021
Document expressing the position of the Renew Europe group on artificial intelligence
Opinion of the Renew Europe Group on the "Conditionality of the rule of law: How the European Commission could manage European funds centrally" through direct and indirect management. "/ July 2020 /
Consolidated document of the Renew Europe Group reflecting the proposals of the members of the parliamentary committees and the RE working groups for a response to the crisis caused by COVID-19 / April 2020 /
Document expressing the position of the Renew Europe Group on European Cultural Reconstruction / June 2020 /
Renew Europe position paper on tourism / June 2020 /
Opinion of the Renew Europe Group on "Small and medium-sized enterprises, our commitment to SMEs in Europe" / July 2020 /
Opinion of the Renew Europe Group on "Priorities for EU Eastern Partnership policy during the current parliamentary term"
Renew Europe position paper on "The future of industry in Europe, our vision for innovation and industry prepared for the green and digital age" (April 2021)
Renew Europe position paper on "The future of industry in Europe, our vision for innovation and industry prepared for the green and digital age" (April 2021)
Renew Europe position paper on "The future of industry in Europe, our vision for innovation and industry prepared for the green and digital age" (April 2021)
Establishment of the Horizon Europe program - definition of its rules for participation and dissemination of results - Specific program for the implementation of the Framework Program for Research and Innovation Horizon Europe - European Institute of Innovation and Technology - Strategic Innovation Program of the European Institute of Innovation and technology (debate)
April 26, 2021 - Brussels
Statement during the debate in Plenary (30 January 2020) on the Commission Work Program for 2020
The Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) carries out legislative work in several of the European Union's most important policy areas, being responsible for industrial policy, EU research and innovation policy, space policy, energy policy and the implementation of new policies. technologies. That is why this, our work, has a direct impact on the lives of citizens, and that is why we must use these powers to encourage and bring about positive change. In addition, we must ensure the transition of our energy systems in order to achieve the strategic goal of decarbonisation.
On behalf of the Renew Europe group, I was the shadow rapporteur for the REPORT
on maximizing the energy efficiency potential of the EU building stock
/ adopted on 17 September 2020 - Brussels /
Rapporteur in the shadow of the most important Horizon Europe research program, with a total budget of € 95.5 billion, including € 5.4 billion from the Next Generation EU recovery plan.
/ Adopted on 27 April 2021 - Brussels /
Speaker in the shadow of
Opinion on the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Public Sector Lending Facility under the Fair Transition Mechanism
Speaker in the shadow of
Opinion on the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Public Sector Lending Facility under the Fair Transition Mechanism
Commission on Development - Committee he Development (DEVE)
substitute member
The Committee on Development discusses and seeks solutions to the global issues facing humanity - conflicts, human rights violations, poverty, child mortality, climate change and its effects on human life and biodiversity, the need for humanitarian assistance, the role of the EU in the use of EU funds and the formulation of policies that affect developing countries.
In the commission various reports and opinions are being worked on and I have co-authored a number of amendments. Some of the files examined in the committee were: a new EU-Africa strategy: a partnership for sustainable and inclusive development; for the third EU action plan on gender equality; concerning the adoption of a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Neighborhood, Development Cooperation and International Cooperation Instrument - Global Europe; on implementation in relation to the EU Trust Funds and the Refugee Mechanism in Turkey; the situation regarding sexual and reproductive health and rights in this area in the EU, in relation to women's health; on trade-related aspects and implications of COVID-19; the role of EU development cooperation and humanitarian aid in dealing with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic; on new guidelines for EU humanitarian action; the impact of climate change on vulnerable populations in developing countries; from the "Farm to the table" for a fair, healthy and environmentally friendly food system and others.
On behalf of the Renew Europe group, I was the shadow rapporteur for an opinion on an Intellectual Property Action Plan in support of the EU's recovery and resilience (OPINION).
In the opinion I made suggestions that give DEVE's perspective in the JURI report (Committee on Legal Affairs): our amendments call on the European Union to play the role of a key global player in the field of intellectual property and to lead international efforts to achieve sustainable development in low- and middle-income countries; The European Commission to continue to strengthen the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights in non-EU countries, to assist and provide knowledge to politicians and law enforcement agencies to tackle IPR infringements; We welcome the establishment of the Africa Intellectual Property Rights Cooperation Project, which will lead to a better microclimate for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in developing countries and will contribute in the long run to increasing their competitiveness and flexibility. . A number of amendments to the Renew group were included in the opinion and we fully supported them.
I also presented my views on the effects of climate change on human rights and the role of environmentalists in this matter, depositing amendments expressing concern that climate change would have a devastating effect in the coming years and lead to to the destruction of habitable lands, the destruction of ecosystems and the increase in depopulation of certain areas, especially in developing countries; I called on the European Commission to provide adequate support for local, regional and international networks for environmentalists in order to facilitate their cooperation and which support would allow them to step up their activities and contribute to the protection of natural ecosystems, as the actions taken by Environmentalists are essential because they seek, create and disseminate viable solutions and mechanisms for the prevention, resilience and adaptation to climate change among people living in the affected areas.
I was appointed by my colleagues to follow up on issues and initiatives related to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as a representative of the Committee on Development, in connection with the informal working group set up by the ITRE (Industry, Research and Energy) team. the Renew Europe group.
Докладчик в сянка от името на групата "Обнови Европа" по становище
на комисията по развитие за комисията по правни въпроси относно план за действие в областта на интелектуалната собственост в подкрепа на възстановяването на ЕС и
Докладчик в сянка от името на групата "Обнови Европа" по становище на комисията по развитие на вниманието на комисията по правни въпроси относно по-доброто регулиране: обединяване на силите за по-добро законотворчество
Докладчик в сянка от името на групата Обнови Европа на становище на комисията по развитие към комисията по промишленост, изследвания и енергетика
Delegation to the EU-Armenia Parliamentary Partnership Committee, the EU-Azerbaijan Parliamentary Cooperation Committee and the EU-Georgia Parliamentary Association Committee
We work together with the EU-Armenia Parliamentary Partnership Committee, the EU-Azerbaijan Parliamentary Cooperation Committee and the EU-Georgia Parliamentary Association Committee. These three countries - Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia - are part of the EU's Eastern Neighborhood Policy.
The parliamentary expansion of our relations was established through bilateral agreements concluded with Azerbaijan in 1999, Georgia in 2014 and Armenia in 2017. Our joint meetings are organized on rotation principle by taking place in the official posts of the European Parliament and respectively in the parliaments of our partner countries.
The main goal of our joint activity is that the additional strengthening of bilateral relations will promote prosperity and contribute to conflict resolution, especially for ordinary people living in the affected areas. The South Caucasus may be far from the EU in a purely geographical aspect, but the region is close to our hearts and interests. The path to European integration can enrich all of us by promoting economic opportunities, traditions, cultures, religions and historical heritage.
The delegation in Euronest Parliamentary Assembly (DEPA)
The European Parliament delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly Euronest (DEPA) represents the Parliament of the Forum, which brings together representatives of the EU and most of the Union's eastern partner countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, and helps to fulfill the necessary conditions for accelerating political cohesion and further economic integration between the European Union and the Eastern European partners. The delegation contributes to the strengthening, development and promotion of the Eastern Partnership as an institution responsible for parliamentary consultation, control and monitoring of the partnership.
DEPA participates in the regular sessions of the Assembly and the work of the four standing committees of the Assembly (political, economic, energy and social issues respectively), its working group on Belarus, the ad hoc working group on association agreements and The Women's Forum of Euronest.
It took place on April 19-20, 2021 the ninth regular session of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly. In the Committee on Political Affairs, Human Rights and Democracy of the Euronest Assembly, of which I am vice-president, was drawn up Report on strengthening democratic processes: the role of political parties, civil society, justice electoral environment and the free and pluralistic media. I participated with proposals for amendments because I believe that this is part of the dialogue, part of pluralism and contributes to the development of partnerships.
I wholeheartedly accept the idea of the European Union as a union of differences in the name of prosperity and I support all common European initiatives and exchange and cooperation programs.
I believe that synergy it can be built successfully by strengthening economic, social and legal ties. Eastern Partnership countries have different goals and ambitions as priorities in their relations with the European Union. It is essential that, the interaction to be built on shared values and interests, while outlining the understanding and meaning of basic democratic principles, freedoms and human rights.
Delegation to the EU - Serbia Stabilization and Association Parliamentary Committee
The delegation meets twice a year, but our work goes beyond these two-year meetings. We are actively involved in the process and are preparing meetings on topics important to both Serbia and the European Parliament. Our work covers all aspects of Serbia's accession to the Union. In particular, we focus on the functioning of democratic institutions, on improving the electoral environment and strengthening inter-party dialogue, on the protection of fundamental rights, on regional cooperation and the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. We are working to help Serbia prepare for EU membership, while working together on an ambitious roadmap for accession.
Special Committee on External Interference, including Disinformation, in All Democratic Processes in the European Union (INGE)
alternate member of the commission
IN special Commission of the European Parliament is working to make a realistic and comprehensive assessment of the threats posed by foreign forces and aimed at interfering in the democratic institutions and processes of the EU and its Member States, as well as in national and European elections; conducting disinformation campaigns in traditional and social media to shape public opinion; cyberattacks targeting critical infrastructure; direct and indirect financial support to political actors and the weakening of civil society.
A number of experts, representatives of the European institutions, civil society and social platforms and discussed the impact of misinformation on fundamental rights and freedom of speech, on external interference in the electoral process, as a threat to democracy, what prevention is needed against fake news, the urgent need for media literacy, the need to strengthen cooperation between online platforms and law enforcement, the possible measures to be taken and much more.
In summary of the conclusions on the various issues, four working papers were prepared on: the situation of external intervention, including disinformation, in the European Union; on covert funding of political activities by foreign donors; external intervention through the use of online platforms - threats, risks and means; building EU resilience to hybrid threats.
Intergroup on Anti-Corruption
I am a member of the Anti-Corruption Intergroup in the European Parliament, dedicated to the fight against corruption throughout Europe, which undermines democratic principles in the Member States of the Union and the internal market, generates huge public losses and reduces citizens' trust in institutions. It consists of 129 MEPs, representatives of various political groups.
Regular meetings were held between the members of the Intergroup, but discussions were organized with representatives of European institutions as well as with non-governmental organizations, journalists and experts. Practices and models that are directly related to violations of the law, media freedom and corruption were identified. Without claiming to be exhaustive, I will highlight some of the themes, issues and initiatives on the agenda of the Intergroup on Corruption: the need to make the use of EU funds conditional on the rule of law is being debated in order to taxpayers' money is protected. The view was expressed that the emergency funds set up to deal with the effects of the pandemic required appropriate measures to be taken to prevent fraud and misappropriation. The importance of the role of the European Public Prosecutor's Office as the first independent EU service of its own to investigate and prosecute crimes affecting the Union budget was also emphasized. During the discussions in the Intergroup, support was expressed for the fact that the institutions that monitor the adequate spending of European funds in accordance with the law and fight corruption and fraud must be provided with sufficient resources and staff, as well as the need to create a unified and a standardized information system for EU member states on the final beneficiaries of European funds. The members of the group supported amendment 9a on the EU's Multiannual Financial Framework, in this sense.
A letter was sent on behalf of the Intergroup to Ursula von der Leyen on the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), to which the EU has acceded 12 years ago, but without further development on this topic. It was discussed that the Convention provides a good set of standards, measures and rules to strengthen legal and regulatory regimes to combat corruption and is an important tool in the fight against corruption, which is why it is imperative. to start work on this issue and to fulfill the legal obligations under the Convention. On this and other relevant issues, a meeting was initiated with members of the Anti-Corruption Intergroup and Commissioner Ilva Johansson, with the Department of Home Affairs. The proposal for the EU to join GRECO, a group of countries against corruption, was also discussed.
A debate was also held on the obligation to comply with the rules of the Staff Regulations at the end of the term of office of officials holding senior positions in the hierarchy of the European institutions.
A discussion took place with an organization that emphasized the importance of public procurement, in the context of investing heavily in EU recovery programs to address the effects of Kovid-19, 14% of which will be spent on public procurement. It is public procurement that is a corruption risk №1 for governments, with losses of around 30% each year. It was emphasized the importance of having open and clearly announced data in the conduct of such procurement, of competition, of small and medium-sized enterprises having access to it, and the digitalisation and transparency of public procurement will help to have a vision for public spending.
There was meeting between members of the Anti-Corruption Intergroup and representatives of the scientific community and civil society, dedicated to the cooperation between NGOs and European institutions in the context of the EC Rule of Law Report 2020, as well as the possibility to use the database and artificial intelligence as alternative control mechanisms for the next EU Multiannual Financial Framework and for NextGenEU.
Informal group of MEPs dedicated to the project New European
Bauhaus (New European Bauhaus Friendship Group)
The new European Bauhaus (NEB) is an environmental, economic and cultural project of the European Commission, whose main idea is to implement the tasks of the Green Pact through a combination of design, sustainability, accessibility and investment, but in an innovative and interesting way, based on are the people of Europe.
NEB is an ambition for a new worldview, detached from dogmas and stereotypes. This project was created because of the need to change the way we think about how to build our future lives, in the light of climate change, digital transformation, technological and scientific development.
The Bauhaus project is very important because it shows the human aspect of the Green Deal and is necessary joining the design phase - through the process of co-creation, in search of supporters and partners for this lively and dynamic initiative, which provides a platform and encourages debate with stakeholders at local, regional and European level, for to capture the pulse of the search for innovators and creative thinkers, to integrate visions and ambitions to help create a 'cloud' of ideas and effective solutions, to exchange best practices, to introduce himself the potential of our societies, the private sector, scientists and inventors, but also to disseminate and share open solutions - to make it possible for original ideas born in a part of Europe to be accessible to the widest possible audience and to find ways to apply them in everyday life, in the hope that they will make the world in which we live much greener, more sustainable and socially inclusive.
The informal group in the European Parliament was created with the idea that the members of this group should actively participate in the design phase as a partner of the New European Bauhaus initiative, by facilitating the debate in the joint design phase, gathering examples, ideas and challenges. determined three working groups to prepare materials and send to the Commission.
I presented my vision as a challenge: building a comprehensive strategy for inclusive development with a cultural dimension. Propose initiatives to conserve resources and renew our cultural heritage through the inclusion of digital technologies and innovation, and seek synergies between EU policies on existing interconnected initiatives to avoid fragmentation , to anticipate changes in European and national regulations, to improve and plan financial investments in a way that accelerates environmental, economic and cultural growth.
Seminars were held, which focused on the regeneration of construction ecosystems, rediscovering the spirit of a place and a new connection with nature.
Following the joint design phase, the implementation phase is implemented through a combination of several EU funding instruments with complementary areas. The Commission communication presents plans to mobilize a total of EUR 85 million from EU funds to support pilot projects, explore new opportunities and implement the ideas of the new European Bauhaus movement.
European Energy Forum (EEF)
active member of the EEF since November 2020
The European Energy Forum (EEF) is a non-profit organization through which a permanent dialogue takes place between Members of the European Parliament and private and public stakeholders, as well as institutional representatives on energy, giving the opportunity to share scientific facts and state-of-the-art and ideas on energy, climate and transport issues.
My position is that development requires us to transform everything that is outdated, to define new policies that will stimulate progress - with a technological revolution, digital innovation and the use of renewable energy sources. This will be the foundation that will allow us to take a radically different path in the process of industrial production, to conserve natural resources, to increase energy efficiency and the efficiency of transport and buildings, but also to improve the quality of life and to create a healthy environment for each individual.
The EEF debates on these vital topics have a role to play in strengthening our ability to bring about positive change, as they allow for an exchange of views between different experts and policy makers.
Cooperation with the Bureau of the European Parliament in Sofia, through participation in organized events and initiatives.
In 2021, I was honored to be a member of the Bulgarian National Jury for the European Citizens' Prize, which is awarded by the European Parliament to citizens or organizations for projects implemented by them, helping to promote better mutual understanding and integration between citizens of the Member States.
The Bulgarian National Jury nominated 5 nominations out of the 12 submitted and determined the Bulgarian winner: TheMayor. - The European portal for cities and citizens, which provides knowledge about various European initiatives and practices from European cities and regions, as well as possible solutions to everyday challenges and current topics. He is one of the first official partners of the European Commission's project - New European Bauhaus.
Cooperation with the Bureau of the European Parliament in Sofia, through participation in organized events and initiatives.
Предложение за резолюция за приключване на разисквания по изявления на Съвета и на Комисията внесенo съгласно член 132, параграф 2 от Правилника за дейността относно закрилата от страна на ЕС на децата и младите хора, бягащи от войната в Украйна
Questions asked during parliamentary sittings
Question for oral answer to the Commission pursuant to Rule 136 of the Rules of Procedure on 11 October 2019
Subject: Functioning of the internal market
Question with a written answer
Subject: Election of Valeri Simeonov as Deputy Speaker of the Bulgarian National Assembly and dealing with hate speech
/ 27 November 2019 / to the Council and the Commission
Question on: Measures on disinformation at EU level to the Commission / 19 June 2020 /
Question of paramount importance with a written answer to the Commission
Subject: Extraterritorial effects of legislation adopted by non - EU countries on EU Member States and their citizens
Question of paramount importance with a written answer to the Commission
Subject: Extraterritorial effects of legislation adopted by non - EU countries on EU Member States and their citizens
Question of paramount importance with a written answer to the Commission
Subject: Extraterritorial effects of legislation adopted by non - EU countries on EU Member States and their citizens
MEP Iskra Mihailova was elected one of the deputy leaders of the liberal group in the European Parliament "Renew Europe" with the most votes
"The election is a success for the MRF, which has consistently raised its authority in the EP. As Vice-Chair of the Renew Europe Group, I will be able to work for a more efficient and closer EU citizens, "Iskra Mihaylova said shortly after the vote. As expected, former EU Commissioner for Agriculture and former Prime Minister of Romania Dacian Ciolos was elected chairman. For the first time, the president and the European liberals are from Eastern Europe.
Groups from Targovishte and Razgrad visited Brussels on September 13 and November 13, 2019
During their visit to the European Parliament, the groups got acquainted with the work of the European institutions and EU policies, the role of the parliament and its way of working.
Speaking about the newly formed group "Renew Europe", Iskra Mihaylova, who was elected deputy chair of the parliamentary group in June with the largest number of votes, stressed that the confidence in the MRF delegation is due to the work of its representatives in the European Parliament, and the prestige of the party at the international level. "The MRF has been part of the group of liberals since Bulgaria has representatives in the EP. We have clear principles, clear positions and policies, we are a dialogical partner and we have never differed in our positions here, in Brussels and in Bulgaria, "she added.
The participants in the visit also discussed the important events on the EU agenda related to the nominations and election of new members of the Commission, as well as the work of MEPs from the Movement for Rights and Freedoms in the field of energy and innovation, agriculture and transport.
As part of its program, the group also visited cultural and scientific landmarks in Brussels.
Meeting with members of the Delegation from the National Parliament of Armenia
On December 4, 2019. A meeting was held with members of the Delegation from the National Parliament of Armenia. Among the guests were Mr. Ruben Rubinyan, Chairman of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Mr. Arman Yaghoyan, Chairman of the Standing Committee on European Integration, Ms. Gayan Abrahamyan, Chairman of the Euronest Parliamentary Delegation
Question to Maria Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, during the meeting of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
Question from Marie Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, at the meeting of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy on reducing the gap between Member States with lower research and innovation intensity. The topic is important because it is necessary to bridge the gap between research and innovation in order to strengthen competitiveness. The Horizon Europe program envisages 3.3% of the budget for actions to expand participation for these countries, which is 3 times more than Horizon 2020. I hope that the scientific community in Bulgaria will take advantage of the opportunities.
Videoconferencing and meeting of the Investment Policy Cluster
A video conference call and a meeting of the Investment Policy Group of the Renew Europe Group in the EP took place on 30 March 2020. It was a pleasure for me to moderate the meeting and work effectively with more than 50 colleagues from all over Europe.
Question to Maria Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, during the meeting of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
Question from Marie Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, at the meeting of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy on reducing the gap between Member States with lower research and innovation intensity. The topic is important because it is necessary to bridge the gap between research and innovation in order to strengthen competitiveness. The Horizon Europe program envisages 3.3% of the budget for actions to expand participation for these countries, which is 3 times more than Horizon 2020. I hope that the scientific community in Bulgaria will take advantage of the opportunities.
Videoconference on the challenges and opportunities for digitalization and innovation of cultural heritage
It was attended by the Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth - Maria Gabriel, the Chairman of the Committee on Culture and Media in the National Assembly - Vezhdi Rashidov, the Minister of Culture - Boil Banov, Deputy. The President of BAS - Corresponding Member Prof. Vasil Nikolov, the Chairman of NAMRB and Mayor of Veliko Tarnovo Dr. Daniel Panov, representatives of non-governmental and international organizations and the scientific community in the field of culture in the country.
"The idea for this conference arose during the hearings of commissioners last year, when it became clear that one of the main priorities of the EC in this term will be digitalization, through which to modernize and make more competitive all sectors of the European Union. economy. This priority is reflected in the inclusion of the digital transformation in the European Commission's Work Program, in the proposal for a new Multiannual Financial Framework and in the ambitious Recovery Plan, and in the support for a flexible, efficient and financially secure digitalisation policy by the European Parliament. . "Digitalization is a key priority of the Renew Europe Group, and a few days ago we approved our political position on the role of culture in the recovery of the European economy and the importance of digitalization and innovation for valorization of cultural heritage and tourism development," said the Bulgarian MEP.
"The purpose of today's debate was to hear the position of the national legislator, the executive, academia, international organizations in the field of cultural heritage, academia, libraries, local authorities, by discussing and exchanging experiences on the digitalization of cultural monuments. , the preservation, display, valorisation and digitization of cultural heritage and we hear the presentation of the European perspective on opportunities for digitalisation and innovation in the field of cultural heritage by Commissioner Gabriel. I am convinced that today's digital meeting will be useful for outlining the measures and opportunities that will contribute to the Bulgarian cultural heritage to find its place in the digital space for cultural heritage of United Europe as a key element in the development of Bulgaria. "- added Михайлова.
Participation in a video discussion organized by FIEC / European Federation of the Construction Industry / on the topic: European construction industry - ensuring clear and honest relations with software companies
Fifteenth Annual Conference on Strategic Infrastructure and Investment 2020
Policies for the development of strategic infrastructure and the promotion of regional connectivity. The European Commission did not deviate from the priorities for the green economy, from the strategy for small and medium-sized enterprises, for the economy. Bulgaria's participation in the green transition is of utmost importance. About 70% of the investments in Bulgaria are in the result of the European funds. Bulgaria has not benefited sufficiently from the Strategic Investment Fund, which is managed by the EIB. Expectations for a multi-purpose plan for the recovery of the country as a necessary condition for obtaining funding. 30 billion Europe will be invested in the EC countries through the Fair Transition Fund in 2021-2022.
Participation in an online discussion on the need to renovate Europe's building stock to achieve the goals of the Green Pact, create new jobs and develop and implement innovative technologies.
Webinar dedicated to the "Wave of Rehabilitation"
"Renovation of the building stock in the EU is a key tool in achieving the long-term goals of the Green Pact. It is an instrument with clear goals and steps for implementation, affordable financing, social and economic potential and I am glad that it is a key element of the Plan of Reconstruction and Development proposed by the Government of Bulgaria.
The discussion is a milestone in almost a year of efforts to support Bulgaria's participation in the "Wave for Renovation". As rapporteur for the Renew Europe group on the report on Maximizing the energy efficiency of buildings, I was supported on the importance of the Rehabilitation Wave, as an initiative that has the potential to contribute to economic recovery after the KOVID-19 crisis.
It is also an opportunity, for example, for the construction industry, to modernize processes, improve the efficiency of materials, to improve skills, and to create new, well-paid jobs in construction for those still working in the mining industry. Reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions, improving the living environment, creating jobs, economic growth, innovative technologies. We can achieve all this with the Renovation Wave.
Discussion with the participation of the Executive Vice President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans "One year Green Pact - the lessons we have learned. Next steps to make the vision a reality. The discussion was organized by Energy Solutions, of which I am a member
Participation in an online discussion on the topic: “What are the future solutions in the field of energy, to achieve a“ green future. ”The topics I talked about were - The wave of renovation, new technologies and opportunities for consumers.
Participation in an online seminar on "The role of the construction sector in the National Recovery Plans". Some of the topics we touched on include the wave of renovation, accelerating the pace of renovation of public and private buildings, increasing the energy and resource efficiency of the building stock, which will improve the quality of life of people and create new jobs.
The online discussion takes place after the end of December 2020. The Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 and the Next Generation EU Recovery Instrument were adopted, which will allow the EU to provide unprecedented funding in the coming years to support the recovery and development of the competitiveness of the European economy, focusing on new EU priorities. related to the ecological and digital transition.
The purpose of the webinar is to raise current topics on the opportunities related to the Green Pact and digital transformation for the Bulgarian economy and to provide a platform for discussion, as with the Executive Vice President of the European Commission in Europe for the Digital Age - Margrete Vestager, as well as with representatives of the Bulgarian government, including the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria, Mr. Tomislav Donchev, representatives of the European Parliament and national branch organizations.
During a meeting of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
During a meeting of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, the agenda of the Presidency of the Council was presented and an exchange of views took place with Mr Manuel Eitor, Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, and Mr Juan Pedro Matusz. Fernandes, Minister for the Environment and Climate Action (Portugal), to whom I asked about the priorities related to the energy transition, energy efficiency, the wave of renovation, green hydrogen, renewable energy sources, which will make it possible to implement EU Green Pact.
Participation as a speaker in the panel "Talent Discovery: Do We Have the Innovators We Need to Solve Global Problems?" at the Annual Meeting of Science and Business.
The panel is part of the annual High-Level Conference on Science and Business on "Research and Innovation in Times of Recovery: What is Horizon Europe's Contribution?"
ALDE Party and Renew Europe organized an Environment Ministerial meeting to discuss key issues ahead of tomorrow's Environment Council with the presence of 🇪🇺 Commissioner Kadri Simson.
Participants included Artūrs Toms Plešs, Simonas Gentvilas, Vladislav Smrž, Alda Ozola, Dominique Riquet, Iskra Mihaylova, Nils Torvalds and Pascal Canfin.
Participating in a debate organized by the European Landlords Association (ERA), the event is part of the European Industry Week. The theme of the event is "Building a sustainable future - transition to a circular and low-carbon construction sector"
The EP's Committee on Industry, Energy and Innovation held an interesting discussion with Dite Jules Jorgenson, Director General of the EC's Energy Directorate, on the energy dimension of the European economic recovery.
On behalf of the Renew Europe group, I had the opportunity to comment on the role of the energy transition in national recovery and sustainability plans, the importance of synergies between EU plans and financial instruments, green hydrogen and the importance of renewable energy, the need to invest in energy green research. transition.
Participate in a webinar that aims to highlight the EU's maritime potential, from the Baltic and North Seas to the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, to ensure that all parts of Europe benefit from the successful construction and scaling up of energy capacity from offshore installations.
An article was published in The Parliament Magazine
"If we can coordinate with the New European Bauhaus initiative, we will guarantee high levels of environmental standards together with an aesthetically and architecturally sustainable urban environment."
Recognizing that in order to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 in line with the Green Deal, it is necessary to reduce emissions from the transport sector by 90%, the centrist group "Renew Europe" in the European Parliament held a webinar on "Alternative fuels: sustainable future-oriented solutions for the European fuel and transport sector ".
As co-initiator of the event, Vice-Chair of Renew Europe and member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, Iskra Mihaylova stressed that the discussion was timely in view of the ambitions and the proposals for decarbonisation included in the Commission's work program. the transport sector, the behavior of member states and the expectations of business and academia. She recalled the priority for her political group of alternative fuels as part of the European Green Deal, which aims to provide an ambitious response to climate change and environmental protection.
"In its communication of December 2019, the Commission proposed to revise the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive, which was adopted in 2014, in order to encourage the deployment of alternative fuel filling stations and stations in the European Union, requiring Member States to Member States to draw up plans and national frameworks in this regard. However, the current legal framework has not provided the desired pace of deployment of the necessary infrastructure and we are seeing an imbalance in Europe.
This cannot be an individual endeavor at European level. Only with joint efforts and good cooperation with business and the Member States, with the support of the available financial instruments, can we contribute to the realization of these goals, "the Bulgarian MEP pointed out during the event.
For the discussion, the event brought together online European and national politicians, representatives of the European Commission, European branch organizations and businesses represented in Brussels.
Discussion on unleashing the potential of the circular economy in the context of the European Commission's interdisciplinary initiative New European Bauhaus organized by the Renew Europe Group at the suggestion of the group's vice-president Iskra Mihaylova, MEPs Morten Lokegaard (Denmark) and Martin Hoysik ).
The event was held online to discuss creative solutions for sustainable, resource-efficient architecture, local perspectives, expectations and difficulties and opportunities to revitalize the cultural and creative sector and cultural heritage through the prism of the European Green Deal and the New European Bauhaus initiative. gathering for a conceptual exchange representatives of the architectural industry, local and European politicians from Denmark, Slovakia and Bulgaria.
At the opening of the event, Iskra Mihaylova said that "For the Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament, the Green Deal and the digital transition are of particular importance, so we encourage each of the dimensions of these strategies, insisting on more ambitious integration goals and measures. them. In the early 20th century, the Bahuhaus architectural movement combined art and practicality for the then new way of life. The new European Bauhaus is about building sustainability and style, putting the goals of the Green Deal and the principles of the circular economy in people's minds, homes and everyday lives.
The initiative aims to involve designers, artists, scientists, architects, builders, local authorities and citizens in the joint creation of ideas and their application in real life in Europe.
The European Bauhaus seeks to inspire new design and resource conservation initiatives and to renew cultural heritage in European cities. "
The Renew Europe Group event took place in the context of the concluding first phase of the new European Bauhaus, which is an industrial, environmental, economic and cultural project of the European Commission. Through a combination of design, sustainability, affordability and investment, it aims to achieve the European Union's zero-carbon targets, laying the foundations for a new way of thinking about how to build the future European way of life in the light of changing climate change, digital transformation, innovation and the new reality and challenges posed by COVID-19.
Participation in a webinar on "Rehabilitation process in Central and Eastern Europe"
The discussion focused on the numerous funding opportunities at EU level arising from the European Structural and Investment Funds, the Sustainable and Reconstruction Mechanism, the Fair Transition Fund, the Modernization Fund and others. Implementing all available funding flows to work for energy renovation and decarbonisation of the building stock is essential. The building stock is not only a segment that is crucial to achieving the EU's climate goals, but also a generator of added value for all EU economies.
Participation in the Conference "Climate and Energy Days", which was held on June 24 and 25, 2021.
Among the presenters were Marco Marcula - Vice-President of the Committee of the Regions, Helmut Strasser - Vice-President of the European Energy Award, Frederic Boye, Head of the Secretariat of the Covenant of Mayors, mayors of European cities and many others.
We witnessed good practices, new ideas, future plans and successful initiatives, we spoke in terms such as a new European Bauhaus, a wave of rehabilitation, energy poverty, energy cooperatives, a green deal, decarbonisation, a recovery plan and sustainability.
Joint participation with my fellow MEPs in the webinar "Green Deal and Business in Bulgaria", where we presented the expected effects of the new European environmental policies and standards on various business sectors in Bulgaria.
During the discussion, we touched on the package of proposals adopted by the European Commission on 14 July, which presents the legislative instruments to achieve the objectives agreed in the European Climate Act, which combine EU policies on climate, energy, land use, transport and taxation with the set goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030.
We touched on key topics such as the wave for renovation of the building stock, the challenges facing the construction sector in Bulgaria, adoption and compliance with the basic principles of the circular economy, digitalization of the construction sector, transformation of the transport sector, distribution of funds for fair transition and plans for development of regions in transition.
Moderator of the panel "European Bauhaus - cultural institutions in smart cities, opportunities for digitalization of regions" during the forum "Culture and business - together in the digital world."
Vessela Kondakova, Deputy Minister of Culture, Architect Georgi Kolarov, Adviser to the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, Pete Jaspert, Vice President of Europe Nostra - the most respected European organization for the protection of cultural heritage, Sylvia, took part in the panel on the opportunities provided by the new European Bauhaus. Georgieva - Executive Director of the Association of Municipalities, arch. Vladimir Milkov, Chairman of the Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria.
There will be an awarding of three municipalities for their digital projects, announced Iskra Mihailova.
"We will have the opportunity to discuss complex solutions based on synergy, balance," said Ms. Mihaylova.
She announced that the new European Bauhaus is a response to the expectations of the EC. The new Green Pact lacked the element of culture and it came with the new Bauhaus. For European citizens, protecting the environment and climate change is a priority. Politicians have responded by implementing the Green Pact policy. The Green Pact is an EU strategy, but it also reflects on our daily lives, on our daily lives, "said Iskra Mihaylova.
According to her, the new European Bauhaus is not an idea for sharing between creative elites. It requires a multidisciplinary approach that involves institutions, the construction sector, education, etc. "The new European Bauhaus comes with the challenges of the 21st century, when European citizens take responsibility for their planet," said Iskra Mihaylova. He pointed out that in this connection we must look for the place of cultural heritage, where culture is in the whole change of thinking of the European citizen and in the overall model of the new world. "This is the question we will look for an answer to today. Will we be able to protect the cultural heritage, but not only to preserve it, but also to develop it," said Iskra Mihailova.
The Renew Europe Group met in Paris. At the invitation of the President of the French Republic, Mr Macron
The Renew Europe Group met in Paris. At the invitation of the President of the French Republic, Mr Macron, we had the opportunity for an open and constructive discussion at the Elysee Palace. The MRF delegation discussed with Mr. Macron the issues of guaranteeing democracy, the need for dialogue between pro-European parties, the implementation of the Green Pact, the future French presidency of the Council of Europe of the EU.
"From the New European Bauhaus to the New European Renaissance" is the main focus of my participation on September 24, 2021 in the largest European non-governmental organization dedicated to cultural heritage - Europa Nostra
"From the New European Bauhaus to the New European Renaissance" the main focus of my participation on September 24, 2021 in the largest European non-governmental organization dedicated to cultural heritage - Europa Nostra, held its annual meeting in Venice. Guests and speakers at the forum were the President of the European Parliament David Sasoli, the Vice-Presidents of the European Commission Dubravka Šujca and Margaritas Šinas, the Minister of Culture of Italy and the Minister of Culture of Slovenia representing the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU.
I took part in the discussion on the first panel of the meeting "Heritage at the heart of the European Green Pact". I spoke about the partnership with local authorities and cultural institutes - libraries, museums, archives, about the dialogue, which through the New European Bauhaus will lead to the transformation of European society for a beautiful, sustainable and inclusive Europe.
On October 8, 2021, I was part of the panelists at an event dedicated to the EU-Western Balkans Summit
On October 8, 2021, I was part of the panelists at an event dedicated to the EU-Western Balkans Summit, which was hosted by Ilhan Küçük, Member of the European Parliament. We had a fruitful discussion with the other participants Mustafa Karadayi, Chairman of the MRF, Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Roman Jakic, Chairman of the Liberal Network of Southeast Europe, Emil Kirja, Vice President of the Liberal International.
On October 12, 2021 I held a webinar on "The circular economy in the construction sector: Innovation process, legislative initiatives and good practices"
During the webinar, important topics concerning future policies in the field of the circular economy in the construction sector and necessary reforms were discussed. The webinar is organized with the support of the group "Renew Europe" in the European Parliament.
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As the oldest and most experienced member of the team, I always try to be of help to my younger colleagues.
Sonya Panayotova
As the oldest and most experienced member of the team, I always try to be of help to my younger colleagues.
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